Westfield Area CSA Blog

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 1, 2013

Hi Folks, We’ve been enjoying wonderful weather this past week and have gotten about 2 ½ inches of rain during that time. The rain was much appreciated as we were a bit on the dry side. I’ve been on a tear lately (figuratively and literally) plowing up large sections of field in preparation for our fall planting push. We were able to get some cauliflower and broccoli plants set out ahead of Sunday’s rain which will be a great benefit in helping them take root. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 25, 2013

Hello Everyone, So we survived last week’s heat wave and it appears that we may be through the worst of the heat for this season. On Saturday we received a quarter inch of rain in a tremendous downpour that lasted about 15 minutes. This was helpful for speeding germination of a field that I recently planted in cukes, beans, beets, and summer squash. Our soils dry out fairly quickly, so even after all the rain in June we are already in need of precipitation. We have a decent chance of receiving some rain from scattered thunderstorms over the next two days. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 18, 2013

Hi Folks, We’re having a heat wave! I always try to look on the bright side; I’d like to say that while the heat won’t be good for some crops it will benefit others. The truth is that this much heat is not good for any living thing. Even heat loving crops like peppers, eggplant and melons shut down photosynthesis above 90 degrees. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 11, 2013

Hello everyone,
Well, we are into the “dog days of summer” now with the heat and humidity making field work a challenge to say the least. The rain has let up enough for us to resume planting. I have now planted about 90% of the winter squash crop, with the remainder to go in today. I also plan to plant more beets, carrots, and beans this week. The heat loving crops are thriving and we will soon have eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 3, 2013

Hi Folks,
I suppose I don’t need to tell you that it’s been raining a lot. The wet conditions have been a boon to many of the early crops, the lettuce and other greens, the peas, and especially the brassica crops which require lots of moisture. We had the most beautiful spring spinach crop ever. (more…)

Pattypan Squash

Pattypan Squash

If you are new to the CSA, and looked in the summer squash bin last week, you may have avoided this beauty.  Pattypan squash taste quite similar to other summer squash. Their unique shape makes them prime candidates for stuffing. Simply place in boiling water for a few minutes to soften, scoop out inside, and stuff with your favorite stuffing recipe. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 27, 2013

Hello Everyone,
The fields have finally dried out enough to be worked and now we are scrambling to get caught up on our planting schedule. We had about 1200 heirloom tomato plants that had been languishing in their flats that have now been set out. I need to plant more beets, carrots and cucumbers. (more…)