Westfield Area CSA Blog
Farm News – June 13, 2013
Hi Folks, We have arrived at the week you’ve been waiting for – the first delivery of the season. Here come the veggies! We’ve been working hard for you and in spite of the meteorological challenges of the spring, have a very nice first share to bring you. (more…)
Farm News – June 3, 2013
Hi Folks, Well we started out too dry and too cold and now we’ve had too wet and too hot. So in just the first two months of the growing season we’ve covered all the bases. Someone asked me a few weeks back if I thought it would continue to be dry and I replied that I reckoned it would remain very dry until it began to rain too much (I didn’t actually say “reckoned” that’s just literary embellishment). I didn’t expect, nor wish to be proven correct so soon. (more…)
Farm News – May 12, 2013
Hello Everyone, Welcome to the 2013 Starbrite Farm CSA season and to the first installment of my weekly updates. These will serve to apprise you of the work we are doing at the farm each week, of the success we are having and the challenges we may be facing, and what to expect in your share for the week. I strive to make them as informative and entertaining as possible. (more…)
Farm News- November 21, 2012
Hello Everyone,
We have arrived at the end of another CSA season. I know it’s sad when the season ends. I know it’s hard to say good bye (to your fresh veggies), but I must confess, I’m ready for a rest! Of course those of you who have chosen to purchase the stock up share will continue to enjoy the fruits of our labors for several more weeks. The final share of the season is not as bountiful as I would have liked, but we have done our best under difficult conditions. (more…)
Farm News-November 15, 2012
Hello Everyone,
I hope that by now those of you who have lost power have had your service restored. It has been a difficult couple of weeks, but hopefully soon things will be back to normal. As of this writing we are still waiting to be reconnected. (more…)
Farm News- November 8, 2012
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all safe and well in the aftermath of the hurricane. Here on the farm we lost power on Monday afternoon and then during the night a cedar tree came down and took the power line, cable and telephone lines with it. On Friday the telephone service was restored, so fortunately we have internet service again.
Farm News- November 1, 2012
Hello Everyone,
Hold on to your hats! Batten down the hatches! Here we go again. It seems no season is complete any more without some major weather disaster. This year it looks to be one for the record books. (more…)
Farm News- October 25, 2012
Hi Folks,
It took a few days for the effects of last week’s freeze to manifest themselves and in the end we had substantial damage. Despite our efforts at covering certain crops the cold snap was just too extreme (24 degrees!) and we were unsuccessful in saving them. My hopes of one last harvest of beans have been dashed and the peppers while still alive are unlikely to produce much more fruit. (more…)