Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 4, 2014

Hello Everyone, Happy Labor Day! We don’t really get to take holidays here on the farm, so today we continue to labor away! A dearth of rain continues to make our job harder; we received a scant tenth of an inch from yesterday’s storms. We continue to have an abundance of veggies for you however. There was no cabbage in the share last week; so you know what that means…. This week it’s the red variety.

The zucchini and summer squash harvest is diminishing, at least until the next planting starts producing in a few weeks. Cucumbers as well will become scarce soon, although we should have enough for this week. There is also a third planting of these that will hopefully begin to produce later this month. We still have lots of melons and are starting to have more watermelon. If you have not yet received a watermelon you will likely get one this round. The eggplant has made a comeback and is flowering producing and flowering profusely. We will shortly have arugula and tatsoi, and soon after that spinach.

The share for this week will be : Tomatoes, peppers, string beans, red potatoes, eggplant, carrots or radishes, cucumbers, choice of goldenberries or cherry tomatoes, red cabbage, melon or watermelon, choice of kale or chard, white onions and choice of an herb.

Enjoy! Farmer John