Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 13, 2020

Hi Everyone, we received 3½ inches of rain on Friday from Tropical storm Fay.  It is a lot of water in a short time, but fortunately it fell at a steady rate here on the farm and was not accompanied by heavy winds.  The ground was very dry after a month with almost no rain, and it soaked it up easily.  We are now able to get back to planting and caring for the tomatoes and other crops without the added burden of moving sprinklers around.

We were held up with planting because the ground was so dry that clouds of dust were rising and my soil was being carried away in the wind any time we tried to prepare ground.  I continue direct seeding various crops until the middle of September, and we are presently transplanting the fall brassica crops like Brussel’s sprouts and cauliflower.  As dry as it was, it was difficult to even prepare panting beds, let alone get small, shallowly planted seeds like carrots to germinate.

As we move into the dog days of summer, greens become harder to grow, and the warm weather crops begin to predominate.  Many of these are in the Solanaceous family, which includes eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes.  We will begin shipping eggplant this week, peppers next week.  Potatoes and tomatoes will be abundant soon as well.

The share for this week will be:  Lettuce, broccoli or kale, summer squash, cucumbers, eggplant, rainbow carrots, tatsoi or bok choy, and garlic.  Premium shares will also receive radishes.

The fruit share for this week will be:  Nectarines and red plums.

Enjoy!  Farmer John