Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 7, 2021

Hello folks, we have arrived at the week you have all, no doubt, been waiting for – the first share delivery of the season.  So let the fresh veggies begin!  

Long-time members already know that the first few shares are on the small side.  For the novices, don’t despair – the shares will increase in size and variety with each passing week!  Early shares are also typically heavy on greens, and this year is no exception.  Everything is growing splendidly now that we have received some much-needed rain.  The peas are flowering prolifically, and the zucchini is popping out a multitude of tiny fruits.  They are not quite ready for this week, but I expect both to be in the second share.  We also have Napa cabbage heading up, spinach sizing up and broccoli that will soon begin to form heads.  

The scallions need another week or two to size up, so for this round we will have garlic scapes.  These are the flower tops of the garlic plant and can be grilled, minced, and sautéed or puréed with oil, nuts, and cheese to make a pesto.  They keep for many weeks if refrigerated.

The share for this week will be:  Lettuce, radishes, garlic scapes, arugula, tatsoi, kale, and choice of an herb (parsley, summer savory, or marjoram).  Premium shares will also include bok choy.

Enjoy!  Farmer John