Hello All! I hope you enjoyed the Labor Day long weekend. As I always say, here on the farm we just labor away, there is no time for rest or days off right now. My crew and I have been working seven days a week the entire season; we get to rest during the winter months!
It is almost dry enough for me to resume seeding now. There are only really three weeks left to plant the last of the fall crops – spinach, mustard greens, radishes, and turnips. I am especially anxious to get some more spinach seed in the ground since it grows very slowly as the days grow shorter and the nights get colder. As I had mentioned previously, all three of my August spinach plantings were lost to the wet conditions. Hopefully we will have better luck this time!
The share for this week will be: Peppers. tomatoes, garlic, eggplant, sweet corn, beans, butternut squash, kohlrabi, scallions, arugula or tatsoi, salad turnips, and choice of an herb. Premium shares will also include frisée and edamame soybeans. There will be okra and hot peppers as “extras”
The fruit share for this week will be: Red Clapp pears and nectarines.
Enjoy! Farmer John