Stuffed Tomatoes with Tofu and Spinach

Stuffed Tomatoes with Tofu and Spinach

Food reporter Mark Bittman wrote a piece in The New York Times Sunday Magazine on what to do with the abundance of tomatoes that can be found this time of year. This is one of the many recipes he listed.

4 large tomatoes
8 oz tofu, crumbled
2 cups spinach leaves, chopped
4 Tablespoons melted butter, divided
1 Tablespoon curry powder
cilantro, chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 450°.
  2. Cut a ¼ inch slice from the stem end of each of the four tomatoes. Scoop out the insides.
  3. Chop the pulp and mix it with the crumbled tofu, the spinach, 2 Tablespoons of the melted butter, and curry powder.
  4. Stuff the tomatoes with the mixture, replace the sliced ends, drizzle with remaining 2 Tablespoons of melted butter and roast in a greased pan for 30 to 40 minutes.
  5. Garnish with chopped cilantro.