Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 2, 2023

Hello Folks! We are finally getting a break from the rain this week, at least until the weekend. With the sunshine and some warmth, the fields will dry out enough for me to plant a few more seeds, and we get back to digging the potato crop. We were able to get a few last ears of sweet corn for the end of the week groups, and we will have some for those who did not receive them last time.
Tomatoes are scarce, but we will try to get a few more out to everyone over the next couple of weeks. We still owe a few groups their goldenberries, which we will have this week. We also owe a few folks cauliflower, which we will take care of when the next planting begins heading up. We have one more planting of beans, which are just beginning to flower, so we are hoping to have another round or two of these as we head into the fall.

The share will be: colored peppers, sweet potatoes, choice of arugula or tatsoi, beets, baby bok choi, kale, spaghetti squash, lettuce, shallots, and choice of an herb – cilantro or parsley. Premium shares will also include daikon and shishito peppers. There will be hot peppers as an extra.

We were able to get some fruit after all last week – Devoe pears and Honey Crisp apples. This week there will be Fuji apples and Hardy kiwi berries.

Enjoy!  Farmer John