Author: Bryan Housel

Summer Squash Strata

Summer Squash Strata

This lasagna-like dish can be made with any of your summer squashes and makes a great addition to any 4th of July party.  From the cookbook “Simply Organic”.  Serves 12.

Spinach, Beef, and Egg Hash

Spinach, Beef, and Egg Hash

Found on foodie site,, this easy one-pan meal is just the thing for a fulfilling breakfast that comes together in the blink of an eye.  The debate rages on as to the origin of this San Francisco dish—”Joe’s” restaurant has seen several incarnations.  Original Joe’s on Taylor Street, however, has had it on the menu for 59 years.  Serves 2. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 4, 2023

Hi all, Happy Independence Day! I hope you have enjoyed the extra-long weekend. We continue to be inundated with heavy rains and apparently at least one overnight hailstorm, judging by the ripped spinach and chard leaves. New Jersey averages about 45 “of precipitation per year, which comes out to a little less than an inch per week, which would be perfect. Six weeks of drought followed by 7” of rain in two weeks is less than ideal. We are struggling to keep up with the weeds and I am falling behind on my planting schedule, but at least we are not constantly moving the sprinklers around! (more…)



Mushrooms are one of a very large, diverse group of organisms called fungi. They are similar to plants but lack chlorophyll, so they cannot produce food for themselves through photosynthesis. Mushrooms are decomposers that absorb nutrients from materials such as compost, leaves, decaying wood, and soil. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 26, 2023

Hi Folks! So, now after a dry spring, it’s looking like it’s going to rain every day for the rest of the summer! Don’t get me wrong – we still need some precipitation to replenish the soil moisture and the first few storm brought us only about an inch and a quarter, which only wet the top 4 inches of the soil. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing though, and these types of storms often come with damaging winds and hail (a four-letter word here on the farm). The rain gauge is marking 2” currently – today’s total thus far, from a storm that began 3 hours ago and is predicted to continue for three more. It’s going to be a muddy mess out in the fields as we try to harvest this week! (more…)

Grilled Vegetables

Grilled Veggies

In this sweltering heat, if the thought of standing over your stove sautéing, steaming or baking any of your veggies makes you want to head to the nearest fast food or take-out counter, consider grilling at least some of your vegetables.  In the time it takes to grill some hot dogs or a steak, you can have wonderful, tasty treats. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 19, 2023

Hello Folks!  So, we received about 1.2 inches of rain from three separate storms over the past week. Not as much as we would have liked, but enough that we could take a break from moving the sprinklers around constantly and prepare some more ground for planting. We are heading into scattered thunderstorm territory, hopefully some of these will scatter some precipitation on us. (more…)

Spring Garlic

“Spring” Garlic and Onions

You probably already know that the best way to store onions and garlic is in a cool, dark place that’s dry and has good air flow. But did you know that rule actually only applies to cured onions and garlic – the kind generally found at the supermarket? “Spring” or “fresh” onions and garlic, however, are an exception to that rule. This article on has all the details! (more…)