Sautéed Green Beans with Garlic and Herbs
From, this recipe that serves 4 cooks the beans in an unconventional way, thereby keeping them crispy and bright green. Give it a try! (more…)
Get fresh, local, organic veggies and fruit delivered weekly. Delicious and healthy!
From, this recipe that serves 4 cooks the beans in an unconventional way, thereby keeping them crispy and bright green. Give it a try! (more…)
Hi Folks, So it looks like summer has arrived, with the scorching heat and oppressive humidity that we have come to expect here in New Jersey in July. We have been blessed with mild temps thus far this season and it seems that the temperature will moderate soon. The heat is good for the peppers, tomatoes and melons. We will have the first few peppers for you this week; tomatoes and melons very soon. You may be seeing red this week when you pick-up your share- red lettuce, red cabbage, red onions, beets and a few of you may even get some red beans. (more…)
We will once again offer a fruit share for the 2015 season!
The share will consist of 2 types of tree fruit each week with an average of 5-7 lbs. total weight. We will begin the season with blueberries, peaches, plums, and nectarines. During those weeks when we send blueberries and kiwi the total weight will be less as these are high priced items.
The fall fruit shares will be comprised of different varieties of apples and pears each week and hopefully some organic hardy kiwi from PA at the end of September. The season will run for 14 weeks beginning the week of July 19 and ending in October. We may skip one week at the end of August.
The cost of the fruit share will be $15 per week which equals $210 for the season.
Hello Everyone, so I thought I would try something novel in this week’s episode — praise the weather!
We have had 4 glorious days now without rain, with abundant sunshine and no unbearable heat. The soil is moist but not saturated thanks to our well drained sandy soils. The long term forecast looks outstanding, with occasional thunderstorms and no extreme heat. I know that some of you probably think I am never happy, since I complain when it rains and complain when it’s dry; but it’s all about balance and moderation. Thank you, Mother Nature! (more…)
Hi Folks, “If it keeps on raining the levees gonna break”. Yes, I know we don’t have levees here in New Jersey but …. After last week’s rain I was excited to see a forecast for an entire week of dry weather but that quickly changed as rain rolled in on Saturday and dropped half an inch on us. We continue to struggle to get caught up on our planting schedule. The rain has been great for the brassica crops which like it cool and wet. We have the most beautiful summer broccoli ever! (more…)
Hi Folks,
So I’ve heard of racing against the sun but out here on the farm we’ve been racing against the rain. The ground barely dries out enough to work when in rolls the next storm. On Saturday we started earlier than usual and were able to get an acre field ready for planting winter squash and pumpkins. A steady drizzle began and by the time I rode out on my seeding tractor it was too muddy to plant. We received a little more than an inch and a half of precipitation over the weekend and if it doesn’t rain on Tuesday we will be able to plant by Wednesday. (more…)
Hello Everyone, Rain, rain, rain, rain! I know it seems that all I do is complain about the weather, but it’s hard to get our planting done in the mud. The crops are loving it though – the peas and the brassica family are water lovers and are thriving. We actually dodged a bullet over the weekend as the heaviest rain passed to the south, and we received only about an inch. (more…)
Hello Everyone, So it never rains but it pours, isn’t that the saying? After nearly 6 weeks without rain it has now been raining regularly and a little heavier than I would like. We were almost caught up with our planting schedule and now have fallen behind again, due to many days of sodden soils that keep us from preparing the beds for planting. But the veggies are growing beautifully! I have also been trying to take off some of my cover crops baled as hay to later use for mulch, which is also confounded by the wet conditions. It’s time to plant the pumpkins and winter squash but I can’t plow the ground until I take the hay off. You’ve got to make hay while the sun shines! Literally! (more…)
Hello Everyone! So here we go — we have arrived at the first week of CSA deliveries. As previously mentioned we got off to a very late start with our planting this year thanks to another interminable winter. The first delivery will be a bit smaller than in previous seasons. We have some potatoes held over in cold storage from last season which we will be shipping this week and next as supplies last. (more…)
Hello Folks, Welcome to the 2015 Circle Brook Farm CSA season! As you may have noticed it was another long hard winter! We have been busy in the greenhouse since the ides of March, but were not able to start working the ground until Mid-April. April 23 was the first day of work for many of my field crew and it was an overcast, blustery one with intermittent snow flurries all day. I’m sure they were wishing they could have remained in their tropical clime a bit longer. Since then the weather has gotten nice; unfortunately “nice” for most people is not always the best for farming. (more…)