Category: News

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 17, 2017

Hello Everyone!  So, it continues to rain, and I continue to worry; it’s an occupational hazard, I guess…  We got 2 inches last week and thunderstorms are rolling through as I sit down to write.  I was about to head out and plant some seeds, having waited for it to cool down a bit.  The rain was not really forecast until about an hour before it arrived and by the time I got to the barn where my seeding tractor is kept, the wind was kicking up and the first drops began to fall. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 10, 2017

Hello Everyone!  So, it’s been a wet season thus far and it seems that this weather pattern will continue into the normally dry month of July.  We have received 5 inches of rain in the past 2 weeks, when we normally hope for an inch a week.  This is not bad for most of the crops, but it is a little worrisome for the tomatoes and the cucurbits (squash, melons, and cukes), which are susceptible to fungal diseases.  We are doing our best to keep them sprayed with protective organic remedies such as biologicals, oils, garlic, and kelp.  Let’s hope the rain eases up a bit soon! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 3, 2017

Hi everyone, happy Fourth of July!  We have a wonderful share for you this week.  The peas continue to come in and we have carrots; peas and carrots just like my mom served us out of a can (not!). Also new for this week are cucumbers; we have some Kirby (pickle type), English (long slender, bumpless, and mostly seedless), and some regular slicers.  You will get some of each type in the coming weeks. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 26, 2017

Hi Folks!  We received some good rain last Friday evening and overnight into Saturday, but it cleared off early Saturday, giving us a beautiful day for the farm visit picnic.  Attendance was a bit low but those who came out had a nice time.  I hope many of you will have a chance to visit sometime this season.  I enjoy meeting the members, especially the children.  As I have previously mentioned, I was raised on canned vegetables so it’s wonderful to hear about how the kids enjoy fresh veggies. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 19, 2017

Hello Everyone!  I remember the first time I tasted fresh peas; it was something of a revelation to me.  Raised on canned veggies, peas were something I particularly detested, and I shoveled them on to my sister’s plate when she wasn’t looking.  Walking in a friend’s garden we pulled some from the vine opened the pods and popped them in our mouths.  Wow!  I had never tasted anything (or at least any vegetable) so sweet and delicious.   (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 12, 2017

Hi Folks! Well we’re havin’ a heat wave (in case you hadn’t noticed).  While the workers are a little wilted, the soil fortunately has sufficient moisture that even the cool weather crops can tolerate the heat.  And the warmth loving crops — tomatoes. peppers, squash etc. — are looking great and are finally beginning to grow. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 5, 2017

Hi Folks! The moment you have been waiting for has arrived, when the investment you made in local agriculture begins to pay dividends! Green dividends that is, or perhaps more appropriately “greens” dividends, especially for this week as we will be relying heavily on these for the first share. We have the most beautiful spinach crop I have ever seen. I guess the cool damp weather agrees with it. Next, we have arugula, not quite as beautiful, but very tasty. Red leaf lettuce will be on the menu- that’s still a green, right? (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – May 29, 2017

Hello Everyone, I apologize for being so late with the first update of the season.  We have been working hard to get the planting done after a bit of a late start. In late February it seemed we would have an early spring but the winter came back with a vengeance. The big blizzard brought us nearly 2 feet of snow and then several weeks of rainy weather left the fields too wet to plow until early April.  Since then the weather has been acceptable; a bit cool through April but with adequate rainfall. (more…)

Heirloom Vegetables

2017 Registration!

Registration for the 2017 season is now open!  Know your farmer, know your food.

Farmer John is happy to announce two different share options this year! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 14, 2016

Hello Everyone.  So we have arrived at the final week of the season.  In spite of the drought it was one of most productive years so far.  Through every season since 2003, when I began serving a CSA group of 38 members in Montclair, we have made steady improvements in the quantity, quality and variety of produce in the shares.  Over 10 years after that first CSA season, new groups were added each year and membership grew at a steady pace. (more…)