Tagged: summer squash

Summer Squash Strata

Summer Squash Strata

This lasagna-like dish can be made with any of your summer squashes and makes a great addition to any 4th of July party.  From the cookbook “Simply Organic”.  Serves 12.

Grilled Vegetables

Grilled Veggies

In this sweltering heat, if the thought of standing over your stove sautéing, steaming or baking any of your veggies makes you want to head to the nearest fast food or take-out counter, consider grilling at least some of your vegetables.  In the time it takes to grill some hot dogs or a steak, you can have wonderful, tasty treats. (more…)

Christine's Quiche

Christine’s Quiche

A CSA member, Julia Egan, sent us the following easy recipe for those yummy summer squash we are now beginning to savor. You can’t get much simpler. (more…)

Zucchini Butter

Zucchini Butter

If Farmer John’s predictions come true, we may be in for more summer squash so here is a simple recipe for making Zucchini Butter. While the recipe as is yields about 2 cups, you can halve the recipe and make less. Give it a try if you have already made your fair share of breads, muffins, and gratins. (more…)