Hello Folks! Curioser and curioser, this weather of ours. It was quite a chilly weekend, between the low temperatures and the high winds. My workers had their winter coats on again. I was busy planting the pumpkins and winter squash which I generally do in the evenings to avoid the midday heat. I was out planting all afternoon on Sunday with a sweater and a windbreaker on! Last night it dropped down to 48 degrees here on the farm. This cool weather is good for the greens, lettuces, and peas – but the peppers don’t really like it much.
The peas continue to produce prolifically. It will be mostly snow or Sugar snap types over the next few weeks. We are having a hard time keeping up with the pea picking, with all the other work and harvesting to be done. We could really use some volunteer help – peas baby, peas baby, baby baby, peas baby (apologies to Spike Lee). If there is anyone who would like to come out to help but can’t make it on Sunday, Saturday afternoon is possible as well, just get in touch with me.
We have the wonderful Hakurei salad turnips for you this week. They are sweet and mild flavored and can be eaten raw (In salad as the name suggests) or cooked. Also new in the brassica category are kohlrabi; these baseball sized globes may be a bit of a curve ball for the uninitiated. They can be cooked but I think they are best raw – they make a delicious slaw. Napa cabbage and broccoli are next on deck. We are heavy on herbs at present, so we are offering a choice of 2 bunches this week.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, salad turnips, tatsoi or arugula, spinach, summer squash, kohlrabi, peas, and choice of 2 bunches of herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley, marjoram or savory). Premium shares will also include choice of escarole or frisée.
The fruit share for this week will be: Organic Jersey blueberries and eco-grown Pink Lady apples from NY (last years crop, but still very nice)
Enjoy! Farmer John